Wednesday 9 April 2014

Final Piece - Book Jacket

Front Cover:

Back Cover:

Full Jacket:

Mock-Up Book Jacket:

Created with flickr slideshow.

Work In Progress:

Monday 31 March 2014

Colour Schemes

Monochromatic Colour Scheme

Analogous Colour Scheme

Triadic Colour Scheme

Contrasting Colour Scheme

Wednesday 26 March 2014

CRAP Analysis

Non-fiction covers depend on their target audience. Poetic covers are aimed at a slightly older audience and people with an open mind, those willing to put in the extra effort to interpret the front cover. Pragmatic covers are also often used on non-fiction covers as they are aimed at a much wider audience due to their easy accessibility. They are also often utilised on the covers of children's books because pragmatic covers help children link the images to the content of book.

Analysis 1: Oldman's Guide to Outsmarting Wine (non-fiction book on wine)

Analysis 2: The Designer's Desktop Manual (non-fiction book on design)